Calvin and Leah are thrilled to be pregnant and are looking forward to life as parents. But things don’t turn out like that and their world is turned upside down. An outbreak has happened and the people who are infected are turning incredibly vicious, and it’s spreading faster than it can be contained. Calvin and Leah soon realise that they are no longer safe in their house and so set about leaving, but Leah is bitten. She goes into labour and the child is born. Leah changes not long after and Calvin can’t bring himself to kill her. He takes off with his newborn, Edward, in search of a sanctuary.

This book was such a great read. Calvin isn’t military, he isn’t a prepper, he is just a normal man trying to survive. He doesn’t have a clue what to do or where to go, but he will do his best to keep himself and his newborn alive. I loved his character!! Along the way Calvin meets Hannah. They join forces to get to safety but sometimes it’s not the zombies you will have to worry about!!

The plot was well written and developed. Its simply about people trying to survive unsurvivable conditions. There was a lot of emotions running through me while reading this, and that twist at the end just about broke me.

I’ve read a few books by this author and she always delivers great characters. Calvin, Hannah and Edward will stay with me for a long time!! It’s also nice to read a stand alone zombie book and not feel like there was things left unsaid.

Andrew B. Wehrlen did a great job with this. He put real emotion behind his reading and it showed!! He brought the atmosphere of the book to life and brought Calvin alive. Such a great performance.

I was given this free audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review. This in no way affected nor influenced my thoughts.