4 stars for the narrator.

I am currently on a roll with Joel Leslie narrations. Usually I am on the fence with him but he does an excellent job with this one. My one complaint is his voice for Tom and Mike were too similar so it was hard at times to figure who was talking. Other then that it was all good.

I am between 3.5 to 4 stars for the story.

Tom is a judge who has been deeply in the closet for 25 years. Mike is a U.S. Marshal. The two of them work together and slowly start to form a friendship. As time passes Mike stirs emotions in Tom that he has pushed down for decades. Tom has feared that the truth of his sexuality will destroy his career all do to a former professor convincing him this to be true. So Tom does his best to resist his feelings towards Mike, however, there is something about Mike that makes him want to throw caution to the wind.

Tom wants to try and be with Mike and make his way out of the closet one step at a time but as Tom is getting used to the idea and their relationship is developing a HUGE case is dropped on Tom’s lap. A case that will have a huge impact on the rest of the world.

I really loved the beginning. I enjoyed the blossoming relationship between Mike and Tom. I thought the story was big enough with Tom being a judge and working his way through coming out. But then this big plot twist gets thrown in. Now you have Tom being the judge on a case that involves an assassination attempt on the Russian President. The story flips from Tom and Mike and turns into a whole damn court case. Was it interesting and entertaining…most of it was. I think if I was reading on my own I probably would have lost interest along the way. Joel Leslie kept me in it. Overall it was a solid listen. Makes me want to give the author another try.