I wish I could go through and talk about each one of these shorter stories cause many of them had interesting concepts and interesting ideas for LitRPG stories.

This has kind of opened me back up to enjoying the genre again with some of the writers that were included here for sure. Hope that some of the stories do become more fleshed out with more characters and such. While others did perfect for their own little slices of story and world they put, overall I think it is worth it for the amount of Ups outweigh the downs for most and some even shock you with how they are done.

I will admit it down show how…overly complex writers make RPG systems. Making each player far too unique for the story. But these were short enough it didn’t annoy me as much.

So I do think it is worth checking out. May help find new writers to give a try so we can see them write more and produce more content such as this. The voice actors never lacked much in any of the stories unless the story was lacking which is hard to fault the reader for. Often coming down to not having much to work with or bad direction for the story. Some more multi-voice, musics and sound fx would really improve the audio much more in some cases.

I do wish LitRPG writers would explore different races more in their books. They all default to: Human, Elf, and Dwarf for the MCs not giving us must fun with things outside of that. Their was a Dragon in one story but they switched to human and looked like they would remain that way for most of the story. So few stories and writers are willing to explore MCs being Lizard Folk, Dragonborn, Wolf-Kin, Fox-Kin, etc.

These small things allow the writers to build their own idea of what these races would live and interact with the common races. Allowing for the underdog, pun-not intended, story and giving them abilities that make sense for them to have a possibly upper hand. Ex: Draonborn being captured they are not defensively they have fire breath and claws and natural armor with scales. Wolf-Kin having heighten senses able to avoid attacks as long as they not magically or mentally hindered. Lizard Folk living in such swampy condition making them more immune to poison and hindering affects but lacking socail skills outside of their own kind.

All these things are interesting and would spice of the stories more. And none of the crap where a human with horns is a full demon/devil or normal person having animal ears and tail. I mean full on proper none human races to spice this genre up was the only thing these stories were missing.