The main character is not a hero. Is not going to suddenly realize his shortcomings and be a better person. His choices are massively flawed. He acts without consequences and never allows full immersion into the game world. Something that would seemingly be neccesary to effect the personality shift that occurs as the book progresses. So, to enjoy this book, you will need to suspend any thoughts that this is a hero or even anti-hero.
There are villains but it’s mostly that all of the people are villanous. None act with anything approaching compassion. The exception being Jason’s aunt and she only serves as counterpoint to how monstrous all of the characters are. Not because of their actions necessarily, but because of their intent. There is no enlightenment in their self interest.

All of this sounds like it’s a diatribe against the book. It isn’t really
It is a warning. I almost stopped listening but once I stopped looking for the better nature of the people I was able to enjoy the story as an observer.
Though I found the preludes before each chapter to contain the more interesting characters.