so I really like this series. a few things though, I want to strangle Donut a lot! her constant rants grate on my nerves! Carl really really really needs to get over this entire save everybody deal oh and ebough with the “You wont break me” it makes mw think repeatedlyof Wheel of Time and Rands constant repeating of that
. Now some positive, The portrayal of characters, the constant feud between Carl and te AI is hilarious, I just can’t help but expect him to randomly call the AI out in battle but I also feel like the AI is more than just a super advanced Computer Program. I feel like there is some random guy sitting in a booth reading lines just to fuck with Carl. That epilouge though with Beatrice, Brad and Ferdinand was great though, sneaky little Audette is playing both sides though I think. I feel like that is probably why Mortikai dislikes her so much. it’s interesting that those that survived though are left to roam the planet basically and rhe Dungeon was basically voluntary.
BTW do not take Cattia away, I really think her and Carl had good chemistry, the poor guy needs someone else or he will break