This was a different kind of read…I mean listen. The story itself held my attention the majority of the Rome, although there were a few slow/boring times. The narrator did a pretty good job, although I didn’t realize until the end that the character, Marly, was male. Additionally, for whatever reason, it sounded like he was trying to speak somewhat quietly, I confirmed this through both headphones and my car stereo. Questions/Comments: There was a part when…not sure which character it was but he described the air as smelling like funnel cake…yet, “I didn’t notice…” That’s a contradictory statement. The scary female in the mirror is described as having “bright eyes.” But how would they be bright if they’re further described as being “dark and empty”? When The one smaller girl is “attacking” Linda on the ride (sucking face), why didn’t she try kicking out or anything?