Title: Breaking Donatella

Author: Raisa Greywood

Format: Audio

Narrators: Jay Adler, Tara Langella

Genre: Dark Romance, Mafia, Enemies to Lovers, Forced Submission, Coerced Marriage, BDSM, D/s

Standalone: Yes

Part of a Series: Part of the Leave Me Breathless world

POV: Cristian, Ella (Donatella)

Steam Level: Hot


Breaking Donatella is fast-paced, intense and sexy as heck. I loved how strong and smart Ella is and how her independence and spirit but intrigued and infuriated Cristian. Two strong-willed individuals were fighting for the upper-hand. It was great and funny and I loved it. Breaking Donatella had some unexpected moments and some that I saw coming a mile away. However it kept my attention throughout.

I received this audiobook for free from Pink Flamingo Productions and Audiobook Obsession. This is my honest and voluntary review.