This narrator continues to impress me everytime I hear him.

I loved the story. I wish that there was just a little bit more but I guess I will have to wait until the next book comes out. I have read several of this author’s books and I love the fact that some of the other aliens are mentioned. It makes it feel like they all could be one big happy family.

When Krac was rescued he swore that he would defend the Freedom Five families. So when Gracie Jones daughter Violet was kidnapped, he swore that he would do whatever it took to return the little girl.

While on this mission he has discovered a plot by someone to get Gracie because of her knowledge of the Alluthians. He finds Violet but she isn’t with her original kidnappers.

Lulu Belle AKA Skeeter found the little girl and took her on board her ship. Skeeter in a very clumsy human who accidentally causes trouble where ever she goes.

Travel along with Krac and Skeeter as they track down more information on the Mastermind behind all of the trouble. They also discover that Krac is not the only one of his kind that survived