Audio: 4.5⭐️
Good, spooky fun. Levi is so adorable and easily flustered, yet a bit snarky. How his grief is handled and incorporated into the narrative feels organic. The only issue I had with him was his (imo) EXTREME denial. I understand being sceptical, and as a scientist, I like to base my thoughts on evidence too but this dude was determined to discount solid evidence. At first it was understandable but then just annoying.
Blue’s aloof charm, which hides his loneliness, pain and struggles makes Levi (and me) want to smother him in warmth and love and laughter; watching his wariness slowly fade as he and Levi becomes friends and he learns to trust is beautiful.
Really enjoyable characters (and secondary characters), good scares/tension building and a nice balance of humor and angst.