I really fell into Jeremy’s books with Infinite, and Infinite 2, and as such, I really tend to favor his more techno-theo-philosophical stories. Once I discovered that Jeremy had tied in several other books to the Infinite series (let’s call this the “Infiniteverse”) I knew where my Audible credits were going for the next year. This book in particular definitely hints at how it will inevitably intersect with Infinite (especially clear if you’ve already read/listened to Infinite 2), but it also stands completely on its own. I definitely enjoyed this ride and the questions it raises. Jeremy, I hope you are emboldened to continue writing more cerebrally in the future. You obviously were hesitant, and in your postscript are humbly self deprecating at best, and downright apologetic at worst. You can stop that. Yes, you have a lot of fans who know you as a master of action, but I can say with some confidence that your REAL strength is in combining the two sides of that coin. Your books are always considerably better as a whole when you have to question if your audience will be able to keep up. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.