I read many or most of the WW1 and WW2 histories everything from small battles to the complete War(s) and the personalities involved big and small. I’ve have come upon similar books as this one however none have been this detailed and engaging. Disclaimer Lenin is just a primer most of the audiobook revolved around Stalin, Hitler and both sick parties Nazism and Communism.

All their tragic crimes against humanity are told and you see why the “dear” leaders Stalin and Hitler did what they did, just trying to comprehend such evil people and parties is tough but necessary…we can not forget history!

Remember this is not ancient history most of this took place 75-85 years ago and over 85 million dead just during the war and the related famines, many of us have grandparents older than than 75 so again try and grasp how recent all this really was. History is not as old as some may believe it to be.