Binding Rose is the first book of the series. Ivy does remarkable job with Rosa and her guys story. When Rosa is forced into marriage, she gets more then she bargains for. She starts out as someone who has no choice over her life but to see how much she grows through the book is incredible. Thieran is the boss and the man who marries Rosa. But his right-hand men are his brother Shay and his cousin Colin both wants Rosa from the beginning but wait out of respect for Thieran. But that didn’t stop them from starting fall for Rosa. Rosa and the guys journey has many ups and downs. Some are incredible spicy, and some will have you questioning if they will ever find their happiness. But like with all of Ivy Fox remarkable work their ending is worth all they must go through…. If all the following books in series is as wonderful as Binding Rose than it’s going to be incredible mafia romance series. The narrator Alexander Neal and Maeve York does an remarkable job bring the characters alive. Well done on showing us sides to Rosa and the guys.