The first 2 book I enjoyed. The character was flawed and able to overcome the challenges in true Litrpg fashion. Leveling up. This book however seemed like he was trying to level up his whining internal self depreciation. It seemed more like the author was going through some stuff of his own or wanted this book to be a big therapy session. It was annoying and hard to listen to. The other reviews had the right of it with how it was overdone.

The MC would literally level up a mental skill like “true sight” from an introspective insight but the next chapter act like nothing happened or continue to act completely contradictory to what occurred before. If this was a typical fantasy novel or other type of literature were a character could go back and forth it would make sense as an ongoing struggle, but this is LitRPG. Stats build off of each other there is growth and progression. If this was going to be consistent with the genre then de-leveling should have occurred with his whinny b***ing. However, he didn’t and would have the same whining monologue that he had over several other chapters.