I am a huge fan of litRPG and have read most of the big names in the genre. I’ll be as fair as I can be by saying if you like the style of first or second edition Dungeons & Dragons modules, you will love this book. The writing is polished, the concepts are solid, and the narration is professional.

That being said, this style was not for me. My explanation will be a little technical:

My biggest issues were (1) the chapters seemed like a D&D module – a series of unconnected events; and (2) the story structure was unclear. The emotional depth suffered from the lack of a clear main protagonist who is striving for a goal against a clear opponent with a set of stakes hanging in the balance.

For the reader, the emotional engagement will be like seasons 6-8 of Game of Thrones vs. Seasons 1-5 of Game of Thrones. For those looking for a more complex experience, you won’t get it here.

I recommend this book for those who want easy reading with an almost “slice of life” tone. It’s also good if you’re not looking to remember a ton of details from book to book.