I think it is an interesting world. Bits and pieces that seem really cool, although it’s not really forming a cohesive whole for me.

I think our protagonist is written weakly. I would expect a cop to be a little more cautious, especially this one when his lack of it literally just got him killed and sent to this world. He seems determined to get himself finished for good. I could even accept him being a moron, because some people just are, except for the fights he is constantly getting into against opponents that outclass him by so much … yet he manages to come out mostly unscathed. He survives and overcomes without valid reasoning why.

The Narrator is fantastic. He manages to give the characters a lot of personality and depth with his reading of them.

I am interested to see where it goes, but its not the greatest thing so far.

*A copy of this book was provided to the reviewer upon their request, but the review is their honest and voluntarily provided thoughts.