as a quick preface my tastes in books run towards Dresden files, earlier iron druid and anything written by Brandon Sanderson, but this book is awesome and I can’t wait for the next.

I’ve had this in my wish list for 4 or 5 months before buying it and holy crap was it worth getting. it is a great blend of light comedy, dark humor, heavy themes like the moral ramifications of accidentally coming to own slaves and finding out they make your power much stronger, but also not wanting to be a horrible human being by owning other people so trying to find a balance between giving them their freedom while also benefiting fromtheir service. the character turns a mislabeled delivery gone wrong into a budding empire to be feared full of subjects who love him and respect him. I know it sounds weird, but give it a chance and I promise you won’t regret it and you’ll be craving pancakes by the end.