I could go on and wax poetic about writing and characters and MM romance and sci-fi romance and mpreg but even if that is or isn’t your thing, what I have found above all the great story telling in these books is acceptance. The author doesn’t just make the MM romance accepting but the normal within whatever your society is. They also show how if you don’t have a family or friends, you find them. You cobble together your tribe and the more open minded you are, the more accepting you are, the more you grow your heart and only happiness will follow. There will be people who don’t approve but the people who do will completely outweigh those that don’t. And all you have to do is find that tribe, those people that will love and protect you then wrap them around you as your shield against the haters and let love win. Thank you to the author. These stories and this huge family are soooooo needed right now ❤️?????