Really, I’m not…I’m a “mature older woman,” (or at least I appear to be!), I’ve never played an RPG game in my life, yet I find this series thoroughly entertaining. It’s a hilariously fun, totally irreverent & gore-filled romp through Earth’s post-apocalyptic destruction by aliens just looking for a little good old fashioned “fight to the death” entertainment! The narration by Jeff Hays is just fantastic and his ability to voice characters is amazing. What a talent!

I just finished book #3 and can’t wait to begin #4. If I’m lucky, there’ll be a #5 coming soon!

I’m quite sure my friends wouldn’t be caught dead listening to something like this…but then again, I’m sure they’d say the same about me! (Perhaps one day, after we’ve all had a few drinks, I’ll confess…and share!) LOL!