Listen, I read a lot of smut, like really a lot. This isn’t the first time I’ve picked up a book about a woman banging tons of dudes at once, and it certainly won’t be the last. I don’t pick up these things expecting them to be a bastion of literature, but I do like them to make a little bit of sense, and this thing was just nuts.

Honestly, I think the biggest problem is that the author didn’t really know what kind of book she wanted to write. Was it supposed to be a ridiculous over-the-top Snow White spoof or was it supposed to be a story with an actual plot? Was it supposed to be a sexy erotica or a sweet romance? Rather than commit to single type of story, she decided to just throw everything in there and hope for the best, which really just made it a mess.

So first you have the seven guys, most of which act like frat boys with alcohol induced brain damage after too many keggers. Two of the guys give Sasha lap dances the first night they’re with her for crying out loud. Most of them have names that correspond to the dwarf they are modeled after, and act like them, too. So, Seth is “Sleepy”, and he yawns all the time. Graham is “Grumpy”, and he’s the loner who argues with everyone. Personally, I think the author went a little too far with it if this wasn’t supposed to be a crazy spoof. It was impossible to take any of these guys seriously, which made it difficult to go along with the super serious evil company wrecking the environment storyline she had in here as well.

Basically, Sasha works for a company that is secretly testing out nasty chemicals for weapons or something, but she thinks they’re working on making some type of environmentally friendly fuel from moss. Oh, and her boss hates her and tries to kill her, and she has to go on the run and take on a hidden identity because she thinks the guys are in on it.Truthfully, I could probably get past all that if the sexy times were good, but this book can barely be called smut. The sex scenes are short and uninteresting. Sasha is with three men individually for about a page each, and her two group sessions were just all the men putting random parts on her. I think the author couldn’t figure out the logistics, so I don’t know why she bothered attempting to write about it. Saying all the men are touching the heroine at once isn’t enough to make it hot or sexy. Multiple partners doesn’t equal good smut. It can still be boring if no one is doing anything.

Boring sex, unbelievable insta-love, and a bonkers plot. No thanks, not a fan.