worst audiobook in the series I mean absolutely completely a waste of money and a waste of time. Thank goodness I didn’t spend any money on this book and I got a credit that I get in my account every month from audible cuz if I would have spent money on this book I would have been yelling at myself right now. If you actually like boring repetitive feminist agenda pushing all men are bad guys books and just being a man means that you are evil then this is the book for you. If you’re a millennial and you really think that everyone owes you something and this is the book for you. If you are a American citizen who believes in communism then this is the book for you because this book is absolutely stupid and basically written had to be written I’m Sorry by someone that’s a millennial or has a son or daughter that’s a millennial and is basically apologizing for being a man because how dare he be born a man. This book is just absolutely insulting to Americans everywhere and to anyone with an intelligence this is the worst book ever written Frank Horton you should be ashamed of yourself for then writing a book that’s so awful. Just END THIS AWFUL SERIES ALREADY!!! the series already it’s just gone on too long it’s awful.see the book couldn’t have been for me to read it because I’m an American citizen and a Christian and a believer in Jesus Christ and I believe that the constitution is one of the best things that happened to our country. I’m also a man of faith and I’m also a person that doesn’t stand with him in his arm because they degrades the man makes men look stupid. It’s the stupid agenda that makes men look stupid and mixed women look like they can do everything and men don’t even need to exist anymore because women don’t need them. Well they do need them and women need men and men need women this is the way God designed it.I mean how dare I believe that you should follow what the Bible says that men and woman have their own roles to play in a relationship.women are greater at things that men aren’t good at and men are greater at things that women usually aren’t good at not because a woman can’t do what man do. it’s because men were designed to be and do certain things and behave a certain way and women have their own weight that they were designed to behave but how dare I say that. let’s see bad God’s the one in control not you anyone who says that they don’t like my opinion can deal with it because it’s called my freedom of speech. how dare I say that women do do great at bearing children raising children and being part of the children’s lives and how dare I say men are great at being the breadwinner horrible man because I Believe In traditional gender roles. and yes there’s only two genders men and women! there is no other genders there is only two God created man and woman that’s it.