The world ends to become a reality show for aliens and some guy named Carl gets stuck in the middle of it all with boxer shorts, pink crocs, and his ex’s cat, Princess Donut. What’s not to love? I laughed through half of it (unusual for me), and waited on the edge of my seat for the rest of it.
For me…well, there’s a cat. I do love cats. And she’s sassy, salty, and snobbish. Carl is clueless, clumsy, and cantankerous. It’s a beautiful combination. Jeff does an incredible job of becoming each character, yet keeping every single one unique. As an audiobook narrator, I appreciate the emotion and texture in each and every voice.
Also, as a LitRPG, Matt did a great job with environment, tension, suspense, and fun NPCs (aka secondary and tertiary characters). The writing is witty and engaging, and he has a beautiful way of letting you know exactly how his characters are feeling without ever telling you how they’re feeling! This was just a fun roller coaster that made me want to visit the theme park again and again!