I bought the full box set series. OK the storyline was decent enough. But the “good guys” kept being such fools, it was frustrating. First, the retreat owner (good guy) allows an obviously lazy moocher to hang out and sponge off the team. This retreat owner must have been a smart guy to earn millions of dollars to spend on a retreat. So it doesn’t make sense to see that he cannot judge human character better than that.

Next, these people see the world going to chaos but they continue to agonize over owning, training with, and carrying guns. And they refuse to pull the trigger on bad guys trying to kill them? I think after WROL, survivors will catch on faster than that.

And finally when the good guys go out on tasks they keep walking as a tight bunch, instead of spreading out, so the bad guys keep “getting the drop” on the whole group at once, over and over again. It’s like “well we escaped that last gang that got the drop on us and almost killed us, so next time when we go on patrol let’s walk in a tight bunch again! Bunched, captured, beat up, escaped, lather rinse repeat.

Finally the “Big Brother House” effect in the retreat played out way too long. Everybody arguing, coalitions, factions, scheming… it felt like a bad TV show. I just think somebody would’ve brought the hammer down on the troublemaker much sooner.