while I liked the book I 3 star score is based on the fact that this game sucks it would have to be the absolute only game out there for me to ever want to play it. And, the fact that you might actually die is not a part of that decision. It’s imbalanced and poorly thought out. It seems that as a hellion you have powers of the back and are able to level up faster and become powerful enough to evenly face five paragon of you same level. In real life no one would remain a Paragon because there weak and take too much to level and someone who started play a hellion a month ago can easily come by an kill you with out braking a sweat destroying your character of 5 years lol. Sorry but that’s f-ing stupid. There would be no Paragons. Because Hellions are way too OP’d. I just don’t see how that expansion is going to help that situation. Maybe the author doesn’t even see the problem. Also that game would have been shut down after the first death. They would have been sued into Oblivion user agreement or not.