The reviews were like “this is a wonderful book!” “amazing!” “such a wonderful relationship” I was interested to read it because +18k reviews can’t be wrong.
The RELATIONSHIP they are referring to is a relationship between a 13yo and a 24yo. The guy had known her since she was 8. EIGHT. I was thinking like a legit friendship. Like a big brother type thing. I was thinking “unusual” because she was a little girl and he is a big biker guy involved in drugs. NOPE.
Each chapter is from the POV of a different character. I enjoyed that part. It made it interesting to hear different sides. The narrator did a really great job. That was until I listened to what the young girl did with her hand read in a little kids voice. That person is a PROFESSIONAL because I couldn’t even listen. I can’t imagine having to say the things she did.
I have never put a book down and noped out before until now. Seriously. It was making my stomach turn. I really don’t understand the reviews writing about its beauty. I just can’t even finish it. I tried. I wanted to give it a fair shot. I only made it about half way. Don’t do it.