Where there was attention to details in the previous books the latter half of this book seems to have some discontinuity, almost as if it was rushed. I would also bet the book was not proof read. It has to be difficult to write a series where every point must be able stand on its own, but some events here did not make sense. (the following examples are intentionally ambiguous, as to not be spoilers) -1-Valentine never noticed that only three of the four bodies were where he left them. -2- I am pretty good with a slide stock, but I don’t see someone as pragmatic as Jim, using it on one individual in a firefight. At least as the opening shot. -3- Why would someone proceed to slowly torture another, when he knows they will be heard and possibly lead to being attacked in the dark (by others whom may have advanced optics)?

Regardless of these obvious gaps, all in the very last chapters, the book is a fun read. It demonstrates well the macro and micro challenges that such a scenario would present. If you are in the series, I would recommend you get this, as overall it’s still an entertaining and revealing work.