There’l will be SPOILERS! You’ve been warned.

The only reason I have stuck around in this series is because the world building is fantastic.

Despite the many, many perspectives. As well as almost universally hated characters (Zack), I stuck around because the world and magic system is amazing.

But at every turn it’s one unsatisfying ending after another.

I’m not reading a power fantasy to watch the people I care about lose. Lose Lose Lose.

Everything was going great until the about the last 3 hours. They beat the dude. Lost a few people, but no one I cared about. Reun will be back in time, so that’s fine.

But not only is Zack for some reason super OP mega powered up(before fighting big bad), none of the others gain anything. Then, they find out it took 3 years to get to the guy through the Ethereal. So there win didn’t matter.

It was about to do a million perspectives to explain how much the world has gone to hell, but I just couldn’t.

I could barely even put to words the dropping feeling in my gut when I realized they failed. That the Empire feel, and the world was under siege, or simply dying in droves.

It’s just…*sigh* this series is a bummer. Like watching the Walking Dead. It’s cool at first, but you never feel any joy, or if you do it’s immediately followed by someone dying gruesomely.

Also, as an added note, the author likes realistic timing over any sort of story timing.

Help arrives too late to matter, or simply doesn’t show up at all.