With enemies to lovers not being my thing, I knew that this was going to be a tough sell for me. And sadly I was correct in that assessment. I just couldn’t stop rolling my eyes while reading. I went in hoping that with the cozy, snowed in forced proximity that we’d get some tension filled scenes and sweet moments before the characters inevitably give into their attraction and fall into bed together but that wasn’t the case. They almost immediately have sex and then every time they think about having a conversation, they end up having sex instead. It ended up feeling highly repetitive in that regard. So with practically nothing but sex and two intimate conversations, I was finding the romance in this book to be severely lacking. It felt almost instalove in a way and while I’m not opposed to that, it didn’t really work here. They go instantly from dislike to love so fast after their first few rounds off off-page sex scenes.

Though speaking of all of the sex scenes, I thought it was an odd choice to have all them be fade-to-black, especially given the all of the commentary in the book on how romance and erotica are misconstrued made fun of. It’s kind of hilarious that Mia doesn’t like the romance author Adele because she feels there’s too much smut, not enough plot, and that her books are repetitive, because that is an apt description of this book, with the exception being that there’s absolutely no smut in this.

Ironically, I came close to DNFing it numerous times while reading and it’s a pretty short book. I kind of wish I had DNFed it. Overall, this wasn’t for me and I’ll be moving on to something I’ll hopefully enjoy more.