The Second and His Bonded is the 2nd book in Kiki Clark’s Kincaid Pack series. While each book features a different couple and it’s own storyline – there are several story arcs running through the series as a whole, so you’ll want to start with The Alpha and His King and listen to them in order.

I admit – I was kind of in love with Bennet by the end of book 1 and was really looking forward to his story. He was so amazing with Kai that I knew he’d be awesome with whomever Clark paired him with. I wasn’t wrong. Kieran and Kai are a lot alike and I do wish there had been a bit more to differentiate the romantic/relational aspect of this story – but I still enjoyed it. Partially because of Bennet’s endearing personality and the interwoven mystery/suspense of the series. Kieran is understandably prickly and watching him bloom as a person and with Bennet was so much fun.

While The Deputy and His Enforcer is already out in ebook – I’ll be waiting for the audio due sometime this Summer. Because…


Kirt Graves is wonderful in this. I like that the various character voices are consistent from book to book. It makes it easy to listen to them back to back (yup, I relistened to The Alpha and His King again). I’m definitely looking forward to more of this series and of Graves in particular.