I cried so many times and I’m crying right now. you get so attached to the characters. I think this book would be a great teaching tool for American kids today. to show the kids today that they shouldn’t take for granted what they have. they should be thanking our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for everything we have been blessed with. I have a very bad feeling America isn’t for some long dark days ahead I’m glad I listened to this book because of this book I’m going to prepare for my family. If you are a believer in Jesus or not yet a believer. I ask that you search your heart and trust in the Lord God and ask Jesus to be your savior. and get your family prepared it will be the best decision you made you can still prepare and have trust and faith in Christ. Just because you’re preparing does not mean you have no faith. actually it means that you’re using the wisdom that God has given you. God bless you all & may the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you & protect you always.