⭐️Some spoilers ahead⭐️
I really REALLY wanted to like this based on the premise. Based on that I was looking forward to a good — or even cute and cheesy — M/M werewolf romance. What the premise didn’t clarify is that the main love interest spends just over half the book (I assume anyway because I made it 7.5 hours in before putting this down) being underage and that alone was pretty unsettling. If that was made clear upfront I wouldn’t have bothered.
I was hoping for a story where there’d be a more comprehensive plot but everything felt fairly episodic. When it comes to the romance — if one could call it that — it felt forced more than anything. The whole point behind it was “Hey, you’re cool. Come meet my werewolf family who gets way too familiar with people upon first meetings. By the way I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
I get how Ox as the main character points out the absurdity and inappropriate nature of being attracted to a minor, but at the same time continues to hold interest is disturbing. Not to mention the consistent pushing of Jo to pursue sexytime being just as weird. It sends a message to ignore consent. Then there’s when his brothers going on and on about it and frankly it’s just awkward.