Let me start by saying I realize I’m no Author and nor am I a narrator. I’m strictly reviewing from a reader point of view.
(That was more so out of respect for both the author and narrator, I do love that you take the time to create these stories that we get to dive into and escape reality.)

As far as my review, I am having the MOST trouble staying engaged due to the narration style. I feel like his cadence is way too fast, and his tone is much too flat. In my opinion, it makes the jokes/witty comments flop and feel forced. Which in-turn make them feel unnecessary and take away from the story, as one reviewer previously stated. I’ve read (listened to) the entirety of the Dresden Files and thought this was right up my ally. The story sounds amazing and intriguing, but I can’t get past how the narration makes the book feel flat and dead (no pun intended).

I’m on chapter 11 and not sure if I’ll be able to stay engaged enough to finish. I may just buy a physical copy and see how my internal narrator does.