If you have ever loved dinosaurs, then THIS IS A BOOK FOR YOU!

Research: One thing I find irritating in books, is when an author does not research things properly. This book is well researched! somethings are assumed or embellished, but over all what could have been a disaster was neatly averted.

Story: Wonderful flow of character growth, both in levels and emotionally. Not to fast on levels but not to slow as happens in some LitRpg’s and GameLit.

Performance: wonderful as always by Annie Ellicott, Jeff Hays. AND the sound effects where there but not overly used as is the case in some Sound Booth productions.

Flaw: I did not get a clear depiction of the connected worlds, but i think in future books that will be cleared up.

Over all: Solid addition to the Dungeon Core multiverse AND I look forward to the next book.