This book is bad in a way that defies logic.

First, it does nothing to set up or establish the world. It just drops you right down in the middle of it without any sort of explanation of the setting. It’s almost as if this is the 2nd or 3rd book in a series and it expects you to be familiar with setting.

Second, my god is the main character a single dimensional waste of time. He’s written in a way that has all the depth of a drop of water. The obsession with avenging his squad is utterly empty. There’s no emotion or real depth. It’s like this was written for a commercial.

Third, this books pacing is all over the place. Multiple Chapters spent in the dreamland, scrapyard, hell even in Kingsport but then suddenly the author realized this book had gone on long enough and wraps up the “ending” in less time than he spent explaining the major human faction.

Returning the book is t good enough. I feel like I should bill the author for my time.