There are many LitRPG books on the market. It is flooded with them these days as more and more hopeful authors jump on the bandwagon. I’m glad Shemer Kuznits did. What started as a very enjoyable first book as the Life Reset series began continues in this second novel that equals and perhaps surpasses the original.
The story is very well written and flows with surprising ease. The characters are well but not overly developed; and dialog is fresh, witty, and natural.
Like many LitRPG books there is the issue of frequently listening to stats being updated (which probably works better visually in the book)—- however it is generally not overdone as in others (Dark Herbalist).
The central theme of settlement development is likewise not entirely new, but when combined with the NPC monsters angle and the easy rhythm and flow of the story and writing it results in an exceptionally good listen.
The narrators do an excellent job delivering the story and characters, and the occasional extra sound effects enhance the overall experience. At around 24 hours in length one may tend to assume that the story is dragged out, but just the opposite. I easily finished this in just over a week, and found myself disappointed when it ended and I realized I have a long time to wait for my next “fix”.
That being said, as in the first book, this one appropriately climaxes and has satisfactory closure to end the book but still lead smoothly into the continuing saga of Oren and the Greenpiece Clan.