I really tried to like this, but Liam is too whinny, I don’t know if it Joel’s tone of voice or the storyline. I have read other book that is performed by Joel and didn’t make me feel that the character was too whinny. Liam and Cody seem to have more a parent and son relationship that an actual relationship. I would be so into it if they parted ways at the end. But they seem to be the end couple. I get that he is scared, about family and friends finding about it. About his preconceived ideas about bottoming. But then he comes of as a little child and not an adult man. How are you going to have a relationship if you are not emotionally mature? I would understand it better if he was younger than Cody, maybe his personality has not formed. He has had not the years of experience for the personality to have shape itself. But, he was older than Cody, and Cody had more personality and emotional maturity than Liam. Liam is a boy-man. And yeah, we grow differently, but being this emotionally immature at his age is unrealistic.
Not only that, it makes their relationship unequal. They are not equals. A relationship like that is doomed to fail, because the boy-man is totally dependent of the mature one.