I’ve enjoyed the trilogy quite a bit. I’m not particularly excited about one element of the story but it’s something that I’ve come to expect when it comes to trilogies of this nature. personally I would prefer the singular love interest. it’s expected and I’m definitely not going to knock the author even if it had it been as this has more to do with personal taste. that being said is rather nitpicky and the only thing that I didn’t like about the story. so for the record I enjoyed 99% of the rest of it. our hero has gotten himself into a heap of trouble but considering his run of good luck it was only a matter of time. that’s sad there’s only one more book but I’m looking forward to it and will be moving on to it as soon as I’m done with this review. the narrator has done a fantastic job as always. and I’ll just say Well done to everybody who had a hand in bringing this story to us the audible listeners.