I really wanted to like this but the character development and plot line fell flat for me. Other reviews said there were twists and it kept them on their toes, but I found it very predictable. Nothing seemed surprising to me except for the lack of gumption and know-how from the female lead. There were several actions she took or didn’t take that made little to no sense. Same with the male anti-hero… None of it felt all that believable because the choices made didn’t feel natural. Like it’s odd to me that the final scene wasn’t a “set up” of sorts to get the confession on tape… You mean to tell me that her detective boyfriend just let her go all that way by herself after everything those people put her through and she didn’t wear a wire and he didn’t accompany her? That’s not a natural choice for any man who is the slightest bit protective, especially if they’relaw enforcement… Yeah I’m gonna let you go confront the people who you accused of SA-ing you, holding you captive, and manipulating you in the worst ways; all by yourself… Sure. Lol! Even if she went into it with her own agenda that would be more believable… I don’t know, maybe turn on the record button on your phone so you have some sort of evidence of the depravity? It just seems odd that she’d choose to travel hours to confront them for no other reason than to stand there and listen to their excuses. None of her actions and choices were natural. It all seemed very fake and forced, even the trumped up charges. Smh.