The first step to change is being able to imagine how it could happen. I just loved that toward the end of the story, emissions start to fall. They top off at 474 ppm, hang at that level for a decade and then start to drop 5 ppm per year. Reforestation and seaweed farming and ??? I’m listening to it again to learn it better.
Author is not perfect. He has not much studied nonviolent movements and is, as are so many, rather a leftist. Don’t those two go hand in hand? But he knows a LOT about climate. I learned a lot and I’ve been a climate activist for a dozen years. Nothing he said seemed just plain wrong to me. And his putting all that info in stories is like chocolate coating it.
Author is rather optimistic. The story characters discuss possible collapse of civilization, but do not mention the possibility of human extinction.
This book earns author a spot on my climate heroes list: Paul Hawken, Greta Thunberg, Donella Meadows, Al Gore, John Michael Greer, Pope Francis,