The book started out ok. I planned to really like it. I did really like it for the first 10 or so chapters.

When the “good guys” started to evolve into killers little different from the “bad guys” my opinion began to change. The book went downhill from there.

None of the characters seemed to comprehend the idea of “it takes a village” or “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. I kept waiting for someone – anyone! – to realize that working together and supporting each other is the only way to survive an apocalypse.

If these characters represent the majority of survivors in a disaster then I’d rather be dead. Who wants to live in a world where everyone is assumed to be an enemy?

I wish I could return this, but I bought it for cash rather than a credit in the last big sale. Unfortunately I bought the next two volumes at the same time, which I very much doubt I’ll ever read. A waste of $15.87. Next time I will pay better attention to the reviews.