I found that this book started with an intriguing world. The premise of alternate Earths with changes from our world is always exciting to explore and is exactly the type of fantasy I normally love. I was excited to read a book with strong female characters. I got turned off by the threats of sexual violence by the love interest, especially considering the MC is 16 at the start of the first book. I get that she liked the person but we are talking about a centuries-old vampire that has threatened violence on the main character triggering her and then almost immediately she is okay and seemingly flattered by him. I did not find it charming and it ruined the book for me.
I also have not seen other reviews that touched upon the casual racism of classifying the Middle East as just deserts and Africa as being wildlands in our earth. There were several other minor things that I did not care for but I expected more from a book written in 2017.