man, I hate doing things like this. I know that writing a book is a lot of work, you gotta put yourself out there in a scary way, and that something that isn’t for me might be exactly what someone else is looking for so I’ll try to qualify this as much as possible.

I couldn’t finish it. I read a lot of litrpg style books so this shoulda been up my alley. I’ve also watched a harem anime or two in my time so there’s nothing new there that shoulda got under my skin. At the end of the day though, despite a lot of reprehensible concepts being casually waved away as ok cause the main character is doing it, the real problem is nothing ever goes wrong. There’s no struggle there’s no real setbacks or tragedy. It’s just the story of a dude that gets women and money and power and servants and then solves any problem with a combination there of.

If you’re looking for a power fantasy to self insert into and I guess are a bit frustrated with how much female attention you get then this might be the book for you. Otherwise I wouldn’t recommend it.

The narrator’s performance is great by the way. Dude is working with what he’s got.