I never leave reviews for anything, I don’t think people give a damn what I think. I ran across this series at 4 am and it was a long listen and money was tight , as most everyone knows this day and age, so I used one of my last 2 credits to purchase this book and I couldn’t have been happier. I sat up the rest of the night listening to the book and went to work the next day, don’t worry folkes I work in the next room of my house so no one was in danger of me driving on zero sleep. I have recommended your book to so many of my friends, your dry sense of humor of Unity makes me laugh out loud. Today, I spoke to my oldest friend of 30 years and recommended this book, then I realized who was writing this. Shermer, I own all your books but the latest life reset, I have loved everything you have written but you have blown me away with Earth Force, and I hope you will continue this series because their is so much you could do with the characters. Keep up the excellent work, and be damned the round eared pointy nosed lawyers and their IP ” may the Force be with you and us always”!