What an emotional story! I wasn’t quite expecting to be tearing up on my drive to work, but found myself doing so a few times-Jordan and Max both had me going.

This wasn’t just a story about a sweet summer fling, it had a lot of depth and dealt with some difficult topics that surprised me. Mr. Konigsberg handled both Jordan and Max’s situations in a careful and considerate way and I appreciated that. My heart broke for both boys.

I understand Jordan’s mother has some underlying issues, but I’m just going to put it out there- she’s the kind of parent I hate to read about. Lady, you’re his mother, the PARENT! Your 17yo son shouldn’t be the one out there trying to save your house. Or at the very least, not the only one. Ugh. Poor Jordan.

Thank goodness for Max’s mom. She’s everything those boys needed. I love the relationship Max had with her, they were close but she was still his parent- not his friend, not his buddy, his mom.

I really enjoyed this story, even though it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting- which was something a little more light-hearted and fun. It was both of those things, at times, don’t get me wrong! It was just heavier overall than I had it in my head it was going to be, I liked both Jordan and Max, they were both very charming and compelling characters and I thought they were the perfect complement to the other.

I would have loved a little peek into the future. I know this is YA and you can’t expect things to last, but I guess I hoped it would for these 2!

I loved the narration! Joel is always a winner in my book. This was my first Anthony Ray Perez book and I thought he was wonderful as Max. The only problem I had was the sound quality- about halfway through or so I would have to keep adjusting the volume between chapters. The ones in Jordan’s pov, voiced by Joel, were much louder than Max’s. It wasn’t a big deal, just sightly frustrating.