I honestly think I should have read this instead of going for the audio. I haven’t gotten far into it, maybe one chapter and already I know it’s a DNF. Unfortunately for me, this was a narrator issue. I have liked some of Joel Leslie’s narration, in fact, had he continued to narrate the Sloane Kennedy books, I would have kept on buying those. Alas, he is not doing them and so yeah, no more for me. That’s why I thought this would be fine. Someone else recommended the book and since I had some credits, I figured, why not ?

Here’s the issue. One of the main characters can’t be more than 30 yrs old, however, I hate to say this, but Joel Leslie does NOT sound like a young guy, omg don’t hate me. His voice to me sounds a little too shaky and not only that, the British accent was off for me as well. I will say, I have been spoiled by other narrators in that aspect. I just …. I can’t get into it.