Ali Lyda is the new name for me to look for! I’ve had the privilege of reviewing a half-dozen books: motorcycle clubs, the mob, tattoo parlors–all books I would never consider reading and never for one moment thought I would enjoy! But Ali Lyda alone or paired is simply magical! The Caldwell Brothers series is what I would call ‘real-life’ M/M romance. No urban fantasy, paranormal adventure, shifter, magical stuff I normally go for. But it didn’t make this story less interesting! I couldn’t believe how fast I got drawn into the story of Grady and Rome–two long-term friends who are in a beautifully awful love-triangle. The writers Aiden Bates and Ali Lyda did an awesome job not drawing out the agony as it were. They allowed the characters to move forward at a place without too much frustration on the part of the reader! They didn’t rely on the common tricks some writers employ to lengthen the story by generating more angst. They were a couple of points in the book that the character spent time considering an action that would be bad but managed to make a good decision anyway. The truly frustrating behavior he engaged in was what took place in the past and not part of the current story. Well done!