I need more than 5 stars to rate this book!! Oh! My! Goodness!!! I know I say that a lot when reviewing Jennifer Peel’s books but it’s true. Every. Time. I listened to the audiobook (8.5 hours) and breezed through it in no time at all and no I don’t listen at double speed. I started listening at night and finished it the next morning. I listened cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen, soaking in the bath, checking email, you get the idea. I love a good second chance love story and this one had me hooked; I was completely wrapped up in Charlotte and Drake’s story. I had to see how they would work everything out.

Charlotte is adorable (she hates that) but with her overalls, messy bun and petite frame how else would you describe her? But don’t let her appearance fool you, she’s fiercely loyal and not to be messed with. Mess with her son, Jameson, or anyone Charlotte cares about and she becomes a mama bear, tiger, or whatever you consider scary. I would love to be friends with her. I loved her relationship with her sister Izzy and wish I had that kind of relationship with my sister.

As another reviewer said “Drake is frustratingly frustrating” but he’s also very charming and I could completely see how Charlotte fell for him. He’s got some things to work through and it takes him awhile to let Charlotte in to see the stuff he hasn’t allowed anyone to see. These two definitely had some hard things to work through but with the magic of the Valentine Inn helping them along, they’ll be fine.

I can’t leave out the wonderful side characters–George and his deceased wife Daisy, little Jameson and Charlotte’s sister Izzy. The reader can tell how much George loved Daisy and she sounds like the cutest little thing. Jameson is as adorable as any 5 year boy could be and Izzy is so funny, I can’t wait for Izzy’s story.

Here are a couple of my favorite quotes: Drake to Charlotte “Don’t let anyone make you feel insignificant today, especially yourself.” and George quoting his late wife Daisy “If you aren’t happy, then it’s not over. Some happily ever afters take some time, but don’t ever give up.”

The narrator is awesome. I’ve listened to other books she’s narrated and she always does a fantastic job.