I thought I loved eyeball reading this series, but hearing it in audio……I AM SPEECHLESS!!!!!

King of Corium-

I can’t wait for more!!!

I love anything written by JL Beck and C Hallman and this book did not disappoint! Aspen is attending Corium to be safe from her fathers actions. While there she runs into Quinton, who is part of a rival family that wants Aspen killed.

This is not a lovey dovey romance at all. Quinton is ruthless to Aspen, but eventually sees his feelings for her but it’s too late. That cliffhanger though 😭😭😭😭 i cant wait for book 2!!!!

Drop Dead Queen-

Holy crap, what a wild ride this book took me on!!

Drop Dead Queen is book 2 in the Corium University series and picks up right where King of Corium ended. Aspen has been through so much in her time at Corium and she goes through so much more over the course of this book. Thank God Quinton has stalker tendencies and always looks out for her and tries to keep her safe.

Aspen and Quinton are both slowly realizing there are real feelings between them and they arent “just sex.” Poor Aspen cant catch a break though, and Matteo is out to get her. After Q gets some mews and goes home while every one else is home for the holidays, Matteo makes his move and does something horrendous to Aspen. When Q finds out what he has done and what they have lost, he is out for Matteos blood.

I love this Corium world so much, but that cliffhanger gutted me!!! I am anxiously awaiting Broken Kingdom to see how everything plays out! If you havent started this series yet, you really really should!!

Broken Kingdom-

This was an emotional, yet beautiful ending to this phenomenal trilogy!

Broken Kingdom is book 3 in the Corium University trilogy. This is a dark romance, and you have to read King of Corium and Drop Dead Queen first.

If you have read the first 2 books, you know that Aspen has been though so very much. At the end of Drop Dead Queen, something horrible happens. During this book, she is struggling with what has happened and what she has lost.

Quinton will do whatever it takes to keep Aspen safe. Even if it means letting her go. He will do whatever he has to do to make sure she gets a long happy life, and makes it out of Corium alive.

Aspen and Quinton have to fight tooth and nail for their happy ending. Its an edge of your seat, wild ride all the way to the end!

My favorite highlight is this: “As much as a whirlwind this has been, inside, I know it was always meant to be this way. She was always going to be mine. There was never a choice. She belongs to me.”

Broken Kingdom is an epic, absolutely beautiful conclusion to Q and Aspens story. I love this trilogy so much, and I cant wait to see if we get more from this world!