The world that SE SMITH has created is a fascinating, very funny, steamy and touching. These stories are all told through BOTH male & female perspectives — females that are strong, outspoken, without being mean or rude and are unafraid to follow the males’ guidance (@ times) & males that are typically strong, handsome, & courageous but more importantly are not afraid to show their vulnerability.
ALL of the characters are drawn with rich dimensionality & quirky appeal… and most enticing of all is the masterful blend of my favorite genres: romance, shifter & sci-fi alien all in a series where each character gets his or her own story.
Finally, the “icing” on this cake is one of the best male narrators I’ve heard in my Audible experience… he masters tunne wide variety of character voices, male & female and ages very well.
I’ve been very grateful to discover this series via the Romance package, but knowing what i do, is go back and spend money to OWN them they’re THAT GOOD!