I love this love story between Goldie & Chases the Had a lot of hard ships & misunderstandings. But I’m ready to get to Jax story I feel like I misunderstand him or really just don’t like him. He wasn’t no real friends at all not to chase ( Supposed To Had Been His Best Friend Threw Him Under The Bus Alina Didn’t Need To Know That In That Moment, He Could Of Lied, Or Better Yet No Said Nothing.. Then When The Talked to Chase he Didn’t Even Try to hear him out, Only Reason Jax Had Any Type Of Friendship With Alina Was Because Of Chase. Jax Fucked That Up First Time Then Met.) Then With Alina I Feel Like He Was Her Friend To Get Closer Because Her Wants More & As Soon As She Told Him She Didn’t Feel The Same he Threw Up How He Been There For Her Up in her face hell he was just as bad as the girl for Chase school a obstacle standing in They Way.. & I’m mad a Chase for pushing her away when he lost his sister.. But I love this book & very opinionated about it.. Can wait to read the rest of the series I low key Wanna skip to Jax story but I’m hold out & read Eli’s first. Can’t wait til the on Audible book!