I love this series, not much more to say. If you didn’t like this book and want to stop, I recommend definitely not doing that. Hellion is an amazing story, and it contains a part that has become one of my favorite things I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading (listening, I guess.. the upcoming battle between Finn and Jason is what I’m referring to, and more importantly the perspective that it’s told from, its so good.)
I just want to add that I browsed some of the 1* reviews and they crack me up. Go look at the first book’s 1* reviews and you’ll see they are almost exactly opposite. The majority of reviews on book one complain that Jason is op, while here many complain that he is underwhelming and even complain about the nerf that Alfred hands him. (I guess they miss the part where there is a small section of “Alfred’s journal” where he notes that Jason isn’t taking the character in the direction he wants and makes it pretty clear he wants to beef Jason up, hence the entire in-game plotline in this book. Alfred wants Jason to be a power house, not just a sniveling kid summoning zombies.)
The series is definitely not perfect. In fact I have told everyone I’ve recommended this series to that they should not try and think too hard about it because it will quickly all start breaking down, although imo most of the negative reviews barely bring this stuff up, or do so poorly/incorrectly. An opinion of course. Bagwell does have a habit of forgetting some of the rules he’s laid out before (seriously, what is the time compression in this story? it just fluctuated between 3 and 4x with no real reason, it sort of makes sense that it should be somewhere between 3 and 4x considering that’s how the dilation was introduced, but it doesn’t make sense that it seems to randomly fluctuate.)

Anyway, semi spoilers for the newest book coming out soon (apocalypse) but I can’t wait for Dom to get a hold of that eye. The man is already completely unstoppable, once he can see a couple seconds into the future it’s game over tbh. I can’t imagine how anyone is gonna actually fight him and his insane group, but I know I’m gonna love every second. Welp, back to re-listening to all of these in preparation for Apocalypse.